RAMC Officers
Of the Malta Garrison
Benjamin Henry Stamers
1831 – 1886

Assistant Surgeon Benjamin Henry Stamers

MD (Ed) LRCS (Ed)

1831 [Turk Island West Indies] – 19 Feb 1886 [Spanish Town Jamaica]

Service Record

Born on Turk's Island, but moved to Bermuda at an early age, which he subsequently left for Europe to pursue his studies for the medical profession.

19 Jan 1855 Assistant Surgeon East Kent Militia.

10 Dec 1855 Served in Malta at the time of the Crimean War. Was on the medical staff of the army stationed on the Island.

20 Jan 1856 On leave at Tripoli on private affairs.

Left Malta for Canada, where he also took the diploma of MD.

1870 Joined the medical services of Jamaica but relinquished his connection with it in 1879.

1879 Left for Colon and Panama where he contracted malarial fever of the isthmus and returned with a shattered and enfeebled frame from which he never thoroughly recovered.

19 Feb 1886 Died 19 February aged 55 years, leaving a widow and a large family. He was much esteemed and respected by all classes of the community in which he lived.
